Powerful Steps to Christian Transformation in 10 Minutes a Day

Jesus says, "When You're Weak, Here, Take My Strength," Ephesians 2:4-6

I finally understood. God’s grace is greater than any failure, any weakness, any sin I or anyone else will ever commit. Grace is God’s righteousness for everyone who is “in Christ.” Grace is Jesus saying, “you’re weak, here take my My strength. You sinned. Here is my blood to wash away your sin.”
James 2:13

But mercy triumphs over justice.

Truth is important, but love is more important. Mercy triumphs over justice.
Grace is undeserved, unmerited favor. Grace is forgiveness – again and again. Grace is loving people in their brokenness and in their sin. Grace is loving people who don’t deserve love and won’t love you in return.
I forgave myself for my flaws. I forgave others for their flaws and offenses. And I asked Jesus to help me see and love people the way He does. And over the many years since, He has helped me see people through His eyes of love. And that has changed everything!