Powerful Steps to Christian Transformation in 10 Minutes a Day

Powerful Steps to Christian Transformation in 10 Minutes a Day

Welcome to the 10 Minute Transformation podcast. I’m Dave Milford and I’m glad you’re here. I invite you to:

“Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.” Romans 12:2 New Living Translation

Why a daily podcast about transformation?

1st. Transformation is God’s process to restore to you everything Satan, sin, and self stole from you. Interested yet?

2nd. God has amazing plans for your life! You don’t want to miss the adventures He planned for you.


For over 30 years I’ve served as a home group leader, Heart Transformation Coach, teacher, intercessor, and author in Beijing, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, and in the US. I met a lot of Christians from all over the world.

Many believers are born again, but not transformed.

I know that pain.

With help of others, I found God’s path of heart transformation. It took me many years. You can do it in fraction of that time and with much less pain.

A Framework for Your Transformation

1. Perspective - Vision = Identity & Purpose

2. Process - Practically How Can I do That? (Holy Spirit makes us like Christ, not by changing our behavior, but by creating the character of Christ in us. Gal 5:22 - the fruit Holy Spirit creates in us as we renew our minds with God's Word. It's the Holy Spirit and the Word.)

3. Pain Points - What is holding you back - tripping you up? Pain caused by Wounds from the Past.

4. A Plan - Transformation is a lifelong process. We need a plan to keep us moving and going the right direction.

*Daily 5 Minute Podcast (audio podcast & Youtube video)
*Daily 5 Minute Activations

Each podcast has an "activation" step which should take 5 minutes.
Truth acted upon becomes a part of your life. Truth neglected is forgotten.

Call to Action

1. Subscribe now! www.10minutetransformation.com
And Get free copy of the mini-book: "How to Let God Transform You into a new Person” and in depth information every week.

2. Choose how you want to receive the podcast: Youtube (video), Podcast or both.

3. Listen daily, do the activations, and let God's love heal and restore EVERYTHING Satan, sin, and self have stolen from you.