Powerful Steps to Christian Transformation in 10 Minutes a Day
Oct. 8, 2023

Holy Spirit Helps You See Lies You Believe and Replace Them With Truth

Holy Spirit Helps You See Lies You Believe and Replace Them With Truth

 Holy Spirit Helps You See Lies You Believe and Replace Them With Truth

Lies can be very persuasive.

Toxic thoughts pop into our heads about ourselves, about God,  and about others. If we let them linger in our minds and hearts, we poison our own well of thoughts. 

Repeated thoughts become beliefs and then we are truly deceived.


Satan is a liar. It’s his best weapon. And people are ridiculously gullible – yeah, me too. 

God knew that. That’s why not only did God send His Son to pay for human sin and folly, but He sent Holy Spirit to move into us Christians, to “guide us into all truth.” (John 16:13)

We have a built-in lie detector. Holy Spirit. He reveals lies to us.

But lies don’t self-destruct once revealed. They cling to us, like the smell of smoke when we’ve been through a fire.


The first line of defense against lies in our thoughts is God’s Word.  (the Bible). In Matthew 4. Satan came into the desert to tempt Jesus who was weak from 40 days of fasting. In answer to every temptation (Satan twisted scripture into lies), Jesus had the same answer. “It is written” and a Bible truth. The truth defeated Satan every time.

“It is written” and a scripture, needs to be our answer to every lie that opens the door of our minds and hearts and tries to move in.


Lies are like snake bites. It’s not enough to chase away the snake. The poison is in us. We need an antidote. God’s Word is the antidote. We take it by putting God’s Word in our mouth.

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9 

Declaring God’s Word builds our faith. Faith in God destroys the faith we had in the lies.

Jesus showed us how to answer Satan’s lies in Matthew 4:3-4: 

“Now when the tempter came to Him, he said, ‘If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.’ But He answered and said, ‘It is written, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God”’ 

We live by God’s words. That is our daily bread. Our spiritual food.

Jesus Spoke to Problems; You Should Too

Jesus frequently spoke to problems, commanding them to submit to God’s will. He cast out demons with words. He commanded sickness to leave. 

He spoke “Peace, be still.” to the wind and waves during a terrifying storm while on a small boat in the Sea of Galilee. (Mark 4:39)

Jesus told us if we speak to the mountain (whatever it is in our lives that we want removed) and believed, God would remove it for us. Mark 11:23.

When we declare scripture we are speaking to the mountain (the lie) that needs to be removed from our lives. As we declare God’s Word, He does it! He establishes the truth and replaces the lie.

3 Simple Steps to Create Your Own Powerful Declarations

1. Look for the lie.

You may immediately think of something. Good. Use that.

If not, Quietly pray. Father, what lie am I believing that you want to set me free from? And listen.

Once you have a specific thought/belief firmly in mind, take step 2.

2. Replace the Lie with God’s Bible Truth

Look up scripture that tells the truth. You can do this quickly by searching for “What does the Bible say about XXX (your topic)” OpenBible.info has hundreds of topics.

Find a scripture resonates in your heart. This is God’s answer – his truth that will replace the lie.

Write the scripture somewhere you can take with you throughout the day. 

Now personalize the scripture, but “I” or “Your Name” as the person that verse applies to. Declare it daily, even several times a day.