Powerful Steps to Christian Transformation in 10 Minutes a Day
Dec. 4, 2023

How God Changes You into a New Person, One Bible Verse at a Time

How God Changes You into a New Person, One Bible Verse at a Time

Do you have an area of your life you need to change: A bad habit? Ungodly thoughts? A sin you just can’t get rid of? Poor attitudes? 

Have you tried and tried, but self-discipline and self-effort fail?  Be encouraged! God has a process that works!!

 The Power of Process

 How we see this process is important.  If all we see is building ourselves up we will try to build on the rubble of our old lives. And we will try to build up human character.

 I recently read that the steel used to build the Titanic was flawed steel. It was very high in sulphur content, which made it fracture in cold temperatures. No wonder it crumpled like cardboard when it hit that iceburg. A ship which they claimed was unsinkable sank like a rock because it was made of flawed materials.

That’s a good analogy for trying to build up human character. Fallen man is irrevocably flawed. 

 Repairing a ship using weak, flawed steel will NEVER make a ship strong. Trying to become like Jesus using human building materials (willpower, habits, positive thinking, affirmations, etc) will never make a man like Christ.

 God literally transforms you into a new person as you renew your mind with God’s Word. (Romans 12:1-2) His building materials are the Word of God and the character of Christ which the Holy Spirit creates in you (Galatians 5:22-23).

 God isn’t repairing the old you. He is building the new you. You are being transformed into a new person, one scripture at a time. (See Romans 12:2 NLT)

 The World’s Way vs. God’s Way of Building You Up

The wisdom of the world today is to build with the mind, the will, and through repeating outward actions until new habits are formed and we call that person changed. 


The wisdom of God is to clear away the rubble of your old life (your soul wounds, sin habits, ungodly thoughts and beliefs, and twisted desires) and rebuild you from the heart outward. You will change what you do, but only after your heart has been deeply changed.  

 Your new behavior is not the result of striving and willpower which may fail when you no longer have the energy or strength to sustain it.  Your outward behavior is the natural expression of who you have become.  

 You aren’t just  trying to be "patient, peaceful, loving, kind, etc." That is who you are – the work of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God in you.  

Then, having the character of Christ is as natural and as effortless to you as breathing.  Your words and actions come from who you have become IN CHRIST.

The Heart Journey to Transformation

 1. It Begins with Surrender to God Every Day (Romans 12:1)

Quiet time with God first thing in the morning. What we surrender to God begins to die.  As we let go the Holy Spirit replaces our character with His.

 2. Holy Spirit Begins to Replace Your Character With Christ’s
Holy Spirit is the one who sanctifies you. He makes you Holy and dedicated to doing God’s purposes. (see Romans 15:16, Galatians 5:22-23) He uses the Word of God. (see John 15:3, John 17:17, and James 1:21). As we renew our minds with God’s Word, Holy Spirit and the Word transform us into Jesus’ character.

3. You are Transformed into a New Person as Holy Spirit Changes the Way You Think (Romans 12:2)
You will live a life far above your old self-life.  The change is real, lasting, and unmistakable. It is true inside-out, heart transformation.

Now we look inside, and what we see is that anyone united with the Messiah gets a fresh start, is created new. The old life is gone; a new life burgeons! Look at it! All this comes from… God….

2 Corinthians 5:17-18 The Message

 Activation: Do the Activation to make this real in your life.