Powerful Steps to Christian Transformation in 10 Minutes a Day
Nov. 18, 2023

God, What's Your To-Do List For Me Today?

God, What's Your To-Do List For Me Today?

The purpose of your life begins not with some big plan or goal, but with God’s daily to-do list for you. You get the privilege of nudging people around you with the love of God. Each nudge pushes them closer to God. And helps you hear His voice and learn to quickly obey. Over time, your assignments will grow bigger and God will lead you into your destiny.

God has a Race for you  to complete. 

Hebrews 12:1 EXB
Therefore, since we are surrounded by a great cloud of ·people whose lives tell us what faith means [L witnesses], let us run the race that is before us ·and never give up [with endurance/perseverance]. ·We should [Let us] ·remove from our lives [get rid of; cast aside] anything that ·would get in the way... and the sin that so easily ·holds us back.

Never give up.
Get rid  of anything that would get in the way
And get rid of all sin, which will trip us up..
Run with purpose and discipline
Paul, toward the end of his life, wrote: “I have finished my course.” 2 Timothy 4:7 KJV

God has amazing plans for your life.
Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
You need to find out what God’s plans are. Ask Him!
And God has very specific works that He sets out for you to do as you go about your daily life. 

Ephesians 2:10b TPT
Even before we were born, God planned in advance our destiny and the good works we would do to fulfill it!

Ministry of Nudges

God sometimes highlights a person to us. We don’t know why, not yet. If we are willing to take a step toward that person, Holy Spirit tells us why. He gives us an assignment.

For several weeks, it seemed like every day I would encounter some homeless person. Waiting at a traffic light with a sign: Homeless and Hungry. Or in the Walmart parking lot. Some were just standing or sitting there. Others approached me. I gave to them all.

These people were assignments for me. Holy Spirit kept pointing them out.

One hot, South Florida night, about 8 o’clock, outside a Dollar General, a middle-aged woman nervously approached me. She said, “I’m sorry. But I have 4 hungry children at home and no food to give them. Can you help me? You can come in and see what I buy.”
“That won’t be necessary,” I replied. 

I pulled out my wallet and gave her enough to buy food for herself and her 4 children. Then I blessed her. She thanked me, choked with emotion.

That was a Divine appointment. I was out walking the trail that goes along Cypress Creek, near my home. I almost didn’t walk that night. I wasn’t feeling well, but I decided to walk outside even though it was a hot.. It was a beautiful Florida night. While walking, I felt I should leave the trail and walk toward the Dollar General nearby. I didn't want anything at the Dollar General. I never even went in. I was just going to walk by.
The “specific work” that God had prepared for me to do that night, was to be in the right place, at the right time, and to give His love to a woman and her 4 children. God loved them by making sure they didn’t go hungry that night.

I had the privilege of delivering His help and His love to them.
As I finished my walk, I prayed for that woman and her 4 children. And I thanked God for bringing me to the right place at the right time. It feels so good to work for God!!

You Have a  Ministry of nudges. 
God put you in your family, your neighborhood, your school or job, and surrounded you with people who you are uniquely qualified to touch with God's love. Some of these people you won't ever know. But you touch them as you go to the right place, at the right time, and do what God wants you to do.

God loves people who don’t know Him through people who do. God has a “to-do” list with your name on it.