Powerful Steps to Christian Transformation in 10 Minutes a Day
Nov. 15, 2023

5 Stories that Prove You Are Never Too Old or Too Young to Be Used by God

5 Stories that Prove You Are Never Too Old or Too Young to Be Used by God

 Satan loves to make people feel useless – too old or too young to do anything significant for God. These 5 stories prove that is not true. God can use you, no matter how old or young you are! 


A Sack Lunch

Have you ever heard of the little boy who fed a crowd of thousands of people? A little boy, we don’t know his name, brought his lunch – 5 small loaves of bread and 2 small fish, when he went to see the great teacher. A huge crowd was there.


A man asked the little boy if he would give his lunch to feed the crowd. The boy gave the man his lunch, not knowing what would happen next. Jesus broke the boy’s lunch into pieces and it multiplied. After feeding 5,000 men (plus all the women and children who were there), 12 baskets of food were left over.


Can you imagine how that little boy felt. Jesus did the miracle. But without his lunch there would have been no miracle. The little boy’s willingness to give up his lunch made the miracle possible. The little boy did something selfless and Jesus made it something supernatural. All his life, that boy lived with the satisfaction of knowing that God can use simple people, like him, if we are willing to give what we have (our lunch, our time, our talents) to God. See John 6.


My niece led her grandfather to Christ.

 My niece was 6 years old and talking to her grandfather. She loved grandpa. She frowned as she had a thought. She said, “If you don’t become a Christian, I won’t be able to see you in heaven.”


It was true. Grandpa wasn’t a Christian. These words from his precious little granddaughter pierced his heart as nothing else could. He began to look for a church in Hong Kong. He found friends who were Christians. They took him to church. Grandpa gave His life to Jesus and lived for Him. My niece, now a grown woman, will see her grandpa in heaven.

Isaiah 11:6 KJV

…a little child shall lead them.


God uses the pure in heart of all ages.


Abraham was 100 years old when God supernaturally made him a father. (Genesis 21) God made him the “Father” of our faith. Genesis 17:1, 24:1


Caleb was 85 when he entered the promised land. When Joshua divided the land and gave it to each tribe of Israel, Caleb said:  


“So here I am today, eighty-five years old! …Now give me this hill country that the Lord promised me that day. You yourself heard then that the Anakites were there and their cities were large and fortified, but, the Lord helping me, I will drive them out just as he said.”

Joshua 14:10,12 NIV


The Anakites were the greatest giants who lived in the area. Caleb asked for the land where the giants were. “The Lord helping me, I will drive them out just as He said.” And Caleb did drive out the giants. Caleb took the mountain for God!! At age 85!!


William Wilberforce (1759-1833, Great Britain)

William Wilbeforce was a British lawyer who served for many years in parliament. He became a Christian in 1785 and was greatly transformed. He spent 39 years of his life fighting against slavery and poverty in the British Empire. Finally, his health destroyed, Wilberforce was assured that the Parliament would pass the Slavery Abolition Act in 1833. He died 3 days later. His destiny fulfilled.


Declare this with me:

I’m not too young!

I am not too old!

“The Lord helping me” I will complete God’s plan for my life.

I will do everything He has planned for me.

It’s good to know God can still use me no matter how young or old I am!

Thank You, God!

Activation:  Give thanks for “all God’s wonderful deeds”. (listen for the full activation)